Every home away from home needs a TV and how can you pass the time when
those extended passages come up ? The TV and video player had to be installed
I purchased a wall mount TV shelf from the local department store and mounted
it with thru bolts into the port berth, just under the air conditioning controls. I
added a small piece of wood ( 3" x 8" ) on the back side for additional support.
I installed a thin rubber edge to the shelf as it can rotate and this keeps it from
hitting the wood and scratching it up. I set the VCR/DVD player on the shelf and
the 13" color TV on the shelf and secured them with the included strap. I routed
all the power cords through a hole into the electrical area and plugged them all
into a surge supressor/power strip that I mounted on the wall and wired directly
to the port outlet breaker which can be operated on shore power, generator power
OR inverter power.
I connected the RCA vidoe and audio output of the VCR/DVD player
to the wall jack that feeds the monitor in the main berth
I later added the satellite receiver which just sits under the shelf unit.
Update 2009: The 13" TV has been replaced with a 17" Flat panel LCD with included
DVD Player. It ties into the audio system so it even feels like "surround" sound. The
entire thing is driven by the "SeaKing" satelitte auto tracking system which is Fantasic.